“Everything Andrew produces is made with an eye toward being different, clever, and singularly unique. He never delivers ‘the same old same old.’ That phrase is simply not in his vocabulary.”

– VP On-Air Promotions, NBC Entertainment


As a passionate consumer of movies and television, I’ll watch any genre of any budget if it looks like it’s done well – a mentality I carry with me when fulfilling my other passion: editing and storytelling.

When approaching any promo, I always put myself into the mindset of the audience and present the version of the material that I would want to see. Whether it’s a multimillion dollar production with groundbreaking special effects, or a modest production with limited resources, I will find the most compelling aspect and highlight it. Even if it’s just a couple of lines and a few shots, I will find something to be personally excited about and make the viewer excited too.

When it comes down to it, I love editing and telling stories, and I believe that passion is reflected in every promo I make.

-Andrew Nolan